December 2022 - Gratitude

Thank you for continuing to follow along with our blog and try new activities to support the social and emotional growth of your children! We love hearing about the amazing things you are doing at home as a family.
For the month of December we will be focusing on gratitude! December is a time of excitement and joy, but many of our students and their families also experience worry, sadness, and stress this time of year. Practicing gratitude is a great way to regulate many of these emotions and appreciate the things and people we have in our lives. Research has also proven that giving thanks can improve our overall mental health, and that gratitude is strongly linked to more positive emotions, better resiliency skills and stronger relationships.
Try making gratitude part of your child's night time routine by taking some time to recognize and appreciate the things you are grateful for in your life using these Gratitude Prompts.
Gratitude is not just being grateful for the big things in our lives, it is also recognizing the everyday things we appreciate. Check out this fun video by Kid President on being thankful:
Since technology is always an arms-length away, use it to your advantage by downloading a free app that encourages you to regularly practice gratitude. This will help you build a routine, and change your thinking to look for the positives in everyday life.
For more resources, check out the Gratitude page of the NLPS website.
If you would like me to connect with your child or your family, you can contact me at the school at 780-639-3388 or